We've moved!
95 Victoria Street Fitzroy
Want it. Get it.
Making an appointment is easy using either 2 options
1. Fill out your details and your enquiry and click on the Send Enquiry (instead of Make an appointment) and we will respond to you via email within 24 hours.
2. Book Online yourself and view all our available dates and times with clicking on the Book Now button.
We allow our time to be spent with our guests and provide a full service & experience without the interruptions of a phone ringing and we've too built in 15minute buffer time should you run late and if later than 15mins, we will contact you... So no stress! We hope you can appreciate this and recognise we're simply changing things up a little with no busy phone lines going off!
Chester&Morgan | Boutique Hair Salon
Level 1/95 Victoria Street, Fitzroy 3065
(Press '10' and doorbell button)